Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Woman's Work Is Never Done...

My Dear and Loyal Subjects,

Do not fret or worry.  I will respond in all due haste to your queries.  However, I have a proclamation to write and edicts and petitions to read in preparation of today's Parliamentary meetings at 2:30 and 5:30.
I will address your concerns this evening! (If I can accurately decipher your carefully couched questions and comments...)



  1. A good ruler would never assume that she is writing to all of her "loyal" subjects. I mean to write, to beg you warned that there have been many rumours in your realm. Do be cautious in your daily tasks, and how your subjects pose their queries.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh, dear Elizabeth... it would appear that you are having time management issues. I can give you some tips if you like, given the fact that I became queen when I was just six days old!
    I fear that my dear Francis seems to have taken ill these past few days. I may need to leave France if something happens to him. Sometimes I wonder, should I have married Edward after all? I just don't trust that my mother-in-law has my interests at heart.
    I know you likely don't respect my focus on men and marriage, given your comments here, but the truth is this: marriage solidifies power.
    Perhaps I shall see you soon!
