So this is Philip. He was married to my sister Mary. He is dull but persistent. Also, verrrrry Catholic! A match between us would surely please the Pope. Of course I don't give a fig if the Pope is pleased. The problem is that the Spanish have this thing called the Armada, which is basically a bunch of really big ships. As long as Philip thinks he has a chance with me I don't have to worry that they might end up here! You see the kind of position this puts me in.......
More on this to follow.
Liz seriously I can't believe that you are complaining about having so many opportunities to marry, but I say STICK TO YOUR GUNS! You already have the alliance with Philip so I say continue to lead him on... having NO alliance is worse than not marrying so I say .... enjoy the single life and keep on having fun!
ReplyDeleteMost majestic and beloved Queen,
ReplyDeleteI humbly prostate myself before you, who in greatness, grace and intellect is surpassed by no other. Who knew that in my short time here, I would learn of a prince of such taste and discernment - and a woman!!- who holds so much for me? Thus I humbly beseech you: WHO painted that portrait of Philip II? I have never seen that work and fear it was commissioned in secret. Perhaps my time here is coming to an end; pray - does the Queen not desire to be represented to her people in her infinite versatility?
Does it not stir your breast to think on advancing a court painter as infamous as I? I could serve your beauty madame, in ways no other man can.
Yours -- Sofonisba
Sofonisba, thanks for all the compliments. Alas, the artist who was commissioned to paint this portrait of Philip II shall ever remain unknown. You would know better than I your situation in the Spanish court, but Philip is rather a cold fish and I would put nothing past him!
ReplyDeleteYour work however, is lovely. Perhaps a little too realistic for me. I must always be represented as youthful and beautiful. I will keep you in mind for the future though. Best of luck.