Saturday, March 21, 2009

When You Call My Name It's Like A Little Prayer...

Soooo… I was just listening to Madonna’s “Like A Prayer” and it got me to thinking.  I realize that there are a lot of people out there who don’t think I can handle this.  I know that some people think I’m weak or hysterical (JK, you know what I mean) just because I’m a woman — but I have a few ideas that might make things a little easier for me.  I don’t want to end up in the Tower or worse!  

I was thinking that one of the main problems right now is that the Catholics are worried about what I might do and the Protestants are worried about stuff too.  What if I suggested that we don’t burn all the Catholics?  Maybe we could even leave some of the things that they really like in church?  Like wafers?  Or make ministers wear those nice gowns?  I’m NOT saying that it’s OK to be a Catholic but I’m not going to get too upset about what you do in private.  Can’t we all just get along?????

BTW… you can call me Supreme Governor or Supreme Head I don’t really care.  I’m still the boss of you!


  1. No we can't all just get along. Didn't you learn anything from your father's or you sister's reign. We take our religion seriously here in England and I don't see why you would possibly want to incorporate the Catholics into this great Protestant nation.

  2. Of course the Queen learned something from the past. That's why she is doing this. England can't have a strong economy while wasting her resources on religious persecution. Also, how can there be political stability if there is religious unrest! Our Bess is pragmatic and savvy (not to mention young and attractive!) Hopefully she will produce a few healthy heirs and bring some peace and prosperity to the nation.

    Peace to you good woman :)

  3. Aunt Liz - I'm still having trouble coming to grips with you killing my mother. Couldn't you have just sent her to the Guernsey Islands? Don't you think the beheading was a wee bit drastic???

  4. Well I think the Queen has realized that those Catholics are going to do what they need to in order to have a Catholic in charge of England. If her cousin Mary's fate didn't drive that point home than nothing will.
